Delay in reaction when implementing jenga game

I’m in the process of developing a simple Jenga game, guided by a straightforward instructional video on YouTube. It does not require any scripting. Here’s the link: How to build Jenga in Roblox In 3 Minutes, with DragDetectors - YouTube

However, I’m encountering a problem. The dragging mechanism isn’t functioning as seamlessly as it does in the tutorial. My version seems jerky, not smooth. Furthermore, the delay before the Jenga tower begins to collapse is excessively long—around 10 seconds—even when it’s evident that no pieces are supporting the structure. I’m uncertain if this problem stems from my setup, though I should note that my computer is quite powerful.

I’ve tried multiple solutions, including resetting my studio configuration and adjusting the gravity settings, but the delayed response persists, regardless of the changes I’ve made.

Any assistance you could provide would be immensely appreciated. Thank you


Try publishing the game and testing it there, might be a connectivity issue