Delayed Teleport GUI

I have a quick question about a certain line of code in roblox. So I’ve recently come across a problem with the following code below.


The problem is that when it goes into the next game from a loading screen the gui doesn’t show up when using this code below to teleport the player.

game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(IDtoPlace1, game.Players.LocalPlayer, {}, script.LoadingGUI)

How do I make the GUI show up from a teleport? I can script it myself as long as you can tell me what I need to change. Thanks in advance.

Have you tried using TeleportService:SetTeleportGui(loadingGuiGoesHere)?

You can look for tutorials on youtube about this or find a solution on devforum or scriptinghelpers.

I was looking at my script and realized I forgot to put the


Was moving too fast I guess.