Delete font from inventory

I have installed a font on rblx but I dont like the look of it and would like to remove it from my inventory how can I do this?


Can you elaborate on this? What do you mean by your inventory?

You cannot remove Fonts from your inventory, (assuming you mean those from the creator marketplace), you can just use a different font though, why would you want to remove it from your inventory?

Hm yes there’s definitely no reason as to why people would want to remove unnecessary fonts from their inventory if its not a font they dont want.

All actions should be reversible, having things in a list you dont want is unnecessary bloat that just makes development take longer and be more tedious.

We cant even view the fonts properly without installing them, doesn’t show a proper font specimen or anything to that regard, just a phrase with a poor amount of the alphabet and no numbers or special characters.

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