Delete textures from specific model(s)

  1. What do you want to achieve?
    I want to delete textures from certain defined models.
  2. What is the issue?
    It’s impossible to delete textures from a game where about 7.500 have textures, as they’re all differently named.
  3. What solutions have you tried so far?
    I looked up in the Dev Forum before, I can only find topics where scripts delete all textures, however not of specific or defined models.
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I have a script that might work, but are you talking as textures reffering to decals or actual PB textures

Actual textures, working with decals turned out to be a nightmare.

Alright, give me a minute to edit the script

Here is the script, i also attached an example video

function DeleteTextures(model)
	local found = workspace:WaitForChild(model)
	if found then
		local des = found:GetDescendants()
		for _,v in des do
			if v:IsA("SurfaceAppearance") then

DeleteTextures("") --Inside the "" insert the name of the model, has to be the same name as it is in the workspace

Tell me if this is what you want.
(Keep in mind that once pasted, all you have to do is type DeleteTextures("") and the name of the model you want to delete the textures inside the “”, no need to paste it again)


Worked perfectly. Thanks a lot of your effort & time! :smiley:

No problem.
(Text to short aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa)