[deleted / cancelled post]

This post has been deleted because of miss-understanding.


Are you looking for help making a tower of hell game, or are you just trying to promote his channel? If you are looking for help can you be more specific on what part you are looking for help on?


You can just add parts and add scripts in them to make them move and kill players on touching etc and do some good GUIS and you are (probably?) done…

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i dont want help, i only send who want ToH scripts.

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Do you mean you need the full script? If not, please explain properly what you are saying.

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i dont need scripts.That’s helping people who need ToH scripts.

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oh ok sorry if i misunderstood you


No problem ; ) but dont share this scripts! Because this is very hard coded

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Ofc I wont but some good tutorials are available on YouTube and they can help people cuz moving parts and kill bricks (which are the most in obbys/parkours) are pretty much famous on YT

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i know, but moving parts and Kill bricks is coding possible.

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what do you actually need help with because I’m very confused?

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Creating this topic was completely unnecessary, this is more like a promotion. If you were trying to promote, this is not the place at all. Scripting support is a place where developers ask for help with their code and approach other developers.

Anyways, the tutorial has a plenty of views, so promoting is a complete waste. Tagging people was also a bad idea.