Deleted replies should be unmarked as solution automatically

Title sums it all, I’m quite tired of seeing old solved threads that have deleted replies marked as solution for whatever reason, including this one.

The thread title and the provided gif got me interested until I noticed the actual solution was deleted without any archives or old edits.


It’s not really appropriate for people to delete their posts unless if it they really wanted it to be deleted. I do get the point that it should be removed, but solved posts are really important for others having the same problems. (Another way is for the op themself to remove the solve, not the forum.


OP might not be looking at teh thread for a long time and not even bother so…


Well, technically they are:

Once the reply was fully deleted, the topic was remarked unsolved

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i really agree with this, I made a topic about generative AI and I have a deleted reply as a solution, I didn’t go to the topic after 14 days and it ended up being locked, tho it would’ve been better if it unlocks the topic after it is left for 14 days