Deleted UGC Accessories Visible In Inventory

I have observed that when a UGC accessory is deleted by content moderators, it is indicated in your inventory with the broken thumbnail type as well as a never loading title. Consider the example below.

I am inclined on believing that this behaviour that I am experiencing is unintended as I do not experience it on the Avatar page. Furthermore, the issue is also visually irritating and unprofessional as it unnecessarily lengthens your accessory list.

The below is the behaviour I believe is intended.

I do not think this issue is browser-based, but nonetheless here is information on that:
User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36 Edg/118.0.2088.76
Platform Type: PC
Device Type: Computer

Expected behavior

To no longer see deleted UGC accessories in my inventory, like how it is on my Avatar page.


I bet this is why I can’t wear saved outfits using a certain character body even though it is active in my inventory. Oddly, I can equip it in the editor - I just can’t actually save or use it. Weird.

Do you get the ‘number of items you don’t own’ error if you try to equip an outfit it had been saved to?

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That’s a great question. I don’t have any saved outfits that contain deleted items. So, someone else will have to answer your question. Hope it gets responded to. But if you’re able to figure out what item(s) may be causing the issue and try to take a look at them in your inventory and they look like what I shared in my first screenshot, then it probably means it’s/they’ve been deleted and it’s probably why you’re being told you don’t own it / can’t wear it. So yeah, I guess at least one thing in your outfit has been deleted. Someone else will have to confirm this though.

On a side note, let us say you are getting the error as the outfit contains deleted items. I think Roblox should inform you that the outfit contains deleted items which cannot be worn anymore rather than telling you that you don’t own it as the user may think the outfit had contained limited items which were sold or traded away. It would prevent confusion.

Thanks for the report! We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.