is that a union, may need to disable collision, you can see them trying to reach but falling, id also recommend a hinge constraint set to no, and make it level with ground, about the center to let it rotate instead.
Okay thanks but how u mean it with set to no and the level with ground
Is this right? There are one Attachment Part in the One Model and the another Attachment Part on the another Model
Ah and no its a Meshpart
what is the collision set as, either cancollide, or the funky one that chooses the hitbox type
The collision in the attachment parts are disabled idk what the hitbox are
could you dm the model, or at bare the chassis with the coupler?
In real life, I’m pretty sure that the cars are connected with a hinge, not a rod. Maybe try replicating that behavior… I did once and something made me return to the less realistic rods, but maybe I implemented it wrong.
Ah i fix it and the coupler are making the many problems. How can i make it so that the coupler just turns to right and left and not like this:
robloxapp-20220215-0411130.wmv (2,4 MB)
Yeah how can i send that to u?
go in explored, right-click, save to file, then just attach it to a message, better yet you can message me on Discord
– Wertyhappy27#0420
Ill get it done as fast as i can