Delete/Rename usernames with the intent to bash other users

Recently I was searching for a user (who is now banned), and I’ve came across some usernames that are used to give him a bad name.

Fairly large image

Whether these claims be true or not, I don’t think they shouldn’t be allowed and I’m positive it’s happened to other users.


This is already against the rules:

If you report the account it should be taken down. If Report Abuse isn’t working, then that’s a separate issue.


Plot twist:

these were all made by Scripterity


This has absolutely happened to other users, I’ve seen it numerous times.





While some of these prove worse than others, I think that taking steps to prevent this would create a more safe searching environment for the average user.

One method of preventing creation of this type of username would be separating the username from the rest of the string and having keywords to search for after it. Obviously would need to be refined and thought about more, but having a go at stopping this isn’t a bad idea.

(cc @WentLimited, @SpookySource)


There is a banned user our there named “VineyardVined”
Which is way to close to my name of “VineyardVine”

So every now and then someone looks up my name and wonders who I scammed


I’ve had this happen to me, but I just reported it and it was shortly taken down

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