Deleting the local character’s humanoid on the client replicates to the server. This is not game-specific, and is also commonly know as a method to achieve God mode with Exploits. The character doesn’t even respawn after 5 seconds after the humanoid has been removed. Expected behavior is that deleting your own humanoid clientside does not replicate to the server.
local PlayerS = game:GetService('Players')
local Hum = Cha:WaitForChild('Humanoid')
for i = 0 , 50 do
print(Hum:GetFullName(),' | ',Hum.Parent)
local PlayerS = game:GetService('Players')
local plr = PlayerS.LocalPlayer
local Cha = plr.Character or plr.CharacterAdded:Wait()
local Hum = Cha:WaitForChild('Humanoid')
You’ll find that this isn’t specific to humanoids with mpre testing. This has been brought up before and received response from staff, there’s reasons which I don’t know if I should say here (my memory isn’t too strong on why either) why it hasn’t been changed. But to summarize, they want to fix it, and a fix will probably come at some point.
It also allows you to kill NPCs indirectly with explosions and the characters will explode and stuff client-sided, but on the server they will just be dead.
I had to add a check in my server script to auto-respawn the NPCs which died as the result of this exploit.
No, just killing NPCs client-sided in any way will kill them server-sided. Exploits which spawn explosions or kill NPCs in anyway will kill them server-sided as well - but I didn’t know about deleting the humanoid would do that too.
This doesn’t affect other players besides LocalPlayer in any way (as far as I can tell) due to replication.
We must keep in mind however, that FilteringEnabled is just a whitelist of what is able to replicate and what isn’t - it’s actually a common misconception that it’s a true separation of client and server.