Deleting Terrain; Should I worry more about voxels or triangles?

I have a giant map. I am talking like 10,000 studs end-to-end. I am currently using Roblox terrain; I am aware of the cons of it, there is no need to discuss that. I want to delete some parts of the terrain to lessen the number of voxels being used. However, if I do so, that will increase the triangle count since flat terrain has vertices. Should I go ahead with deleting more voxels? Here is an example/TLDR


Note - The cuts in option 2 are not voxel sized. They are giant cuts, but not smoothed out to make things easier to work with.

Which method should be better?

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I think option 1 is better because probally wont be “heavy” to computer render

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actually you can see the “triangles” in VIEW - Wireframe Rendering or just play and click VIEW Summary - to show fps and see wich one is heavier

I’m in the same boat as you, creating a very large map with terrain. I’ll tell you right now option 1 is your best bet for simplicity and for performance. I’ve actually made most of my mountains/hills using option 2 by making the frame of the structure and then going back to fill it in to resemble option 1. Stick with option 1 for less triangles, especially because vertical terrain walls have more triangles per area than flat lateral terrain.