Deleting Uploaded Assets

I would love the ability to cull the obsolete assets and waste, that serves no point but to clutter my Assets page and Roblox’s database. Roblox, do both yourself and us Developers a favor, and let us delete them. Let us delete the versions from the version history of existing assets too.

And if they’re worried people’s accounts will get hacked and the hackers will delete all their creations, or people will accidentally delete them, they could:

  • Advise us to save local copies of assets
  • Retain the asset for 30 or so days before permanent deletion, giving developers a chance to undo their action

Can’t believe this isn’t a thing, I wasn’t aware that such standard feature doesn’t exist and now I have a bunch of “test” animations stuck with me forever.

Deleting your own assets that have never been put on sale or aren’t being used in any experience shouldn’t be that complicated.


We’re still waiting Roblox.

I got the oldest, crappiest clothing you could ever imagine that I made when I was around 10. Some clothing was made for my friends that I don’t talk to anymore. I don’t think it’s a difficult feature to implement. Sure, I could disable my inventory, but I don’t want to do that just because my clothing looks bad on my page.

Even animations that I made when I was younger! It’s just littering my inventory for no reason.

And about hackers deleting assets, yes that can be an issue and all. Though recently, it’s getting harder and harder to get hacked. SIM swapping is not so common, there’s 2FA (although sometimes it’s not always the safest but it helps a TON) and such. I mean, most users get hacked because they were either irresponsible enough to give them their Roblox account token or something OR they didn’t secure their account, and that’s their responsibility to protect their account, ESPECIALLY developers that use assets.


I sall can use it to delete me he’s models what a part is of a mech model now i have for example nzkd d bench now the Planks and the psalms have become two assets

To make it clear, afaik regular exe programs can scrape your Roblox cookie (just like they do to Discord tokens, etc.) and the Roblox web-api exists, allowing web requests to run on the client with their cookies (if the cookie is scraped) meaning they don’t even need to send the cookie directly over the internet and have requests originate from a different location / IP. The Roblox web api also allows people to get tricked into accidentally firing api endpoints (you’d be surprised of how often this happens)

Cookies and (afaik) passwordless log-in, bypasses this entirely.

Roblox account security is still not strong enough to justify it not being considered as a factor.

Unfortunately, that still happens, I can’t go against that. I do believe that these kinds of things can be resolved with awareness. I mean, no random program (at least from how I understand it) will scrape your cookies for no reason, obviously, the person has to download the malicious program, correct me if I’m wrong.

Now that I agree with. I do appreciate the fact they’re trying to make it more secure though it’s still vulnerable. I also did mention that it’s not the safest

Though I’m sure it helps, at least I’m hoping so. I can’t promise you I know any statistics.

Does the right to be forgotten GDPR law grant us the right to delete these assets? I’m not sure if an uploaded asset counts as personal information though.

Even if it does, it would likely delete all assets including your account and you need to be in California or the EU to use the right, Roblix blocks all other requests.

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I very much support this, I have a ton of assets in my inventory I would want to delete. Some of the assets are just broken duplicates that clutter my inventory, others are clothing items I don’t want to have on ROBLOX anymore. This update would do more good than anything, with no real potential for exploitation because nothing could possibly go wrong when voluntarily removing content with no limitations, since no one will see the results of the action except for the one who consented to carrying it out.

Why does this thread keep getting bumped? The “archive” feature is what everyone here is looking for.

Unless you’re talking about clothing items, to which I definitely agree that we need a proper way to archive those, but there’s already separate feature requests for that.

On a related note, we should probably have the ability to archive models and animations as well.

No, its not. Archived content can be restored, deleted content cannot. Additionally, nowhere is it explicitly stated that archived content is exempt from being moderated against. Knowing Roblox Moderation, this can be a problem.

Lets say hypothetically you, when you were younger and more naïve, uploaded content you later realized could potentially be breaking Roblox’s Community Standards or Terms of Service. Now lets say you decide to archive it, yes you may have uploaded guideline-breaking content at the time, but at least you realized such and went out of your way to ensure that no one, including yourself, could use such content for themselves.
But since there’s no guarantee that such content isn’t exempt from leading to moderative action onto your account, it’s just as good as keeping it publicly available. Though if you were able to delete the content off the platform entirely, it would not only have the insurance that no one could continue to use such content, but also theoretically mean you wouldn’t be at risk of getting moderative action slapped onto your account.

I see no reason why Roblox wouldn’t allow developers and users to delete content. It’d be like if YouTube decided you couldn’t delete your videos, but just “archive” or “private” them at most.

Roblox has stated in the past that archiving is the proper way to remove assets from the platform. Nobody, not even you, can access the asset, unless you restore it.

I don’t see the need for permanent asset deletion; that just sounds like a disaster waiting to happen.

How? If you’re talking about bad actors mass-deleting content from a developers inventory, the clear answer is that developer should take more steps to secure their account and ensure that it doesn’t fall into bad actors. It’s not Roblox’s fault if you fail to implement basic safety features on your account and follow common-sense measures to prevent your accounts or devices from being compromised. Also Roblox could add guardrails like 2FA and/or password input when deleting a certain amount of content, or a grace period for which the content can be restored before its removed entirely.

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Okay, sure, and this feature would probably have to be locked behind 2FA if it were to ever exist, similar to group ownership transfer.

But I still don’t understand why this feature is necessary when archiving already exists. Is archiving not good enough? Archiving was Roblox’s solution to let people “delete” unwanted assets, with the option of restoring the asset if you change your mind later.

Maybe they could add a way to permanently delete archived items, kinda like emptying your recycle bin.

But is this really that important? Archiving solves all known problems I can think of that come as a result from not being able to remove your assets.

  • Accidentally uploaded the wrong asset? Archive it!
  • Want to re-upload an asset and hide the old one? Archive it!
  • Have a bunch of clutter in your inventory that you want to clean up? Archive it!
  • Someone’s misusing your asset? Don’t want it publicly available anymore? Archive it!
  • Uploaded something embarrassing, copyright-infringing, or TOS-violating when you were younger? Worried about moderation? Archive it!

Archiving should’ve solved this feature request. (After all, it was posted before the archive feature was added.)

And again, I’m aware that we still can’t archive clothing, but like I said, that’s a different feature request.

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Some people just want to have the item/asset completely removed from their inventory, it ultimately boils down to personal preference, to which there is no necessarily “right” or “wrong” answer. Adding the ability to delete assets totally may not be the most pressing issue currently, but I don’t see any negative in adding it for people who want to do so. No one loses.

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So, I tried to archive very old models and decals that I don’t want. Funny, I couldn’t. I can’t even delete other people’s assets from my inventory, model-wise.

Mind you, those are some of the top things that clutter our inventories.

Although archiving is plausible (although I’d prefer not having the option to restore any assets that I genuinely do not need), it still doesn’t even work with the stuff I just previously mentioned. Plus, this is from my knowledge, it may not be factual, if you archive an asset, you can still see it in your inventory. I’m not a hundred percent on this statement, don’t take it for granted, but that’s how I remember it.

But you can delete other people’s models from your inventory. (Unless Roblox is the creator)

And you absolutely can archive your own created decals, not sure what you’re talking about there. However, you currently cannot archive models, but at least you can overwrite them.

Archiving assets does hide the asset from your inventory, at least on the website. But it doesn’t hide it from the Toolbox in Studio, which could be a bug. Whenever I archive an asset I always make sure to delete it from my inventory as well to prevent it from showing up in the Toolbox.

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Just tried again, I didn’t have the “Delete From Inventory” at first, or maybe I just didn’t notice. My bad! :frowning:

It didn’t let me.

There’s no archive button. Though, IIRC I remember there was before it got updated to the new creator dashboard.

There is an archive button.


I had this same issue in a different situation. I was trying to look for game analytics, so I went on my game page on roblox, clicked the three dots, and “Game Analytics”, it just took me to the game configure page and I couldn’t find the analytics anywhere in the configure page. Turns out you have to go to the page with the list of all your games and hit the three dots there for “Developer Stats”.

These buttons should really be included in the configuration page aswell.


Oh! Thank you for letting me know! Man the new creator dashboard is confusing at the moment, but that saved me from this utter mess of decals that I have.

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