Deletion of Avatar Accessories from Inventory

Over a decade ago someone broke into my account and deleted a bunch of random offsale event prizes from my inventory. I’ve contacted Roblox twice about the issue and they refused to help me both times, even though I still own the corresponding badges from the event. A few of the items ended up becoming Limited years later and I was able to buy them again, but not all of them. Are you saying that contacting Roblox to restore deleted items actually works now?


You can actually still delete items from your inventory however if it’s created by roblox, you cannot delete it most of the time or if its a Limited item you aswell cant, you won’t be refunded robux for deleting items though.
Inventory Api v2

(i tested deleting some UGC items and it worked)

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I really gotta know your definition of UGC’s ???

An odd choice ??? Alright, it’s completely up to you if you want to remove the items or not. Maybe you bought it once and now you want to delete it ?? Roblox is played by millions at this point and we don’t know what others do, so it’s better if you respect that.

What I really mean by this is, say if we got the feature back then it would mean that we can remove items for inventories removing the ones we don’t want to keep and that way we’ll have our inventory cleaned and reducing the chances of the accessories being copyrighted. This was also related to this image right here, but I think that’s fixed now ?

And once again, thx for your response!

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Bump. We should at least be able to archive items we are no longer interested in. I want an organized inventory.


Yes contact roblox, someone has authentically obtained the epic face from this.

I want to add to this when we buy avatar items and then roblox removes them please…PLEASE allow us to actually know what these items were instead of just a “an item that was perched on XX day”, going to purchases its also gone from there.

I logged on today and saw I had 18 messages and 17 of them were item removal refound messages. I have no idea what was removed from my account…

Like include a name or something so we have an idea on what it was. Thanks.