As a developer and a robloxian, I have a feature to request. It was a feature but it got removed and hence, I want the staff to bring it back.
Well, so back in 2020-2021, I bought a lot of avatar accessories from the catalog and I regret them and the thing is that back in 2020-2021, I remember there was a feature where we could delete our avatar items from our inventory but now, the feature is just gone with only options either to Report Item or to Add to Profile being available.
The main reason, I want this feature to be added back is cause there are roblox players like me who have bought tons of avatar items but now just want to remove them, mainly cause we don’t wear them as often as we used to. Plus, this feature would be really good because players would have the right to delete items they bought.
Below are few reasons why this feature should come back:
- Players would have right to delete the items themselves
- Less cases of copyrighted items being deleted from our inventory
- After that item has been deleted by roblox, it takes unnecessary space and somewhat there
are players who tend to keep their inventories organized, so
- Somewhat it would enhance roblox performance.
Overall, this feature was really good and it should do a comeback because a player should have their rights to delete UGC items. I know its better not to buy that item, if you wanna delete it but there might be few items that players might buy but later regret buying.
Thank you for your read!