Deletion of Avatar Accessories from Inventory

As a developer and a robloxian, I have a feature to request. It was a feature but it got removed and hence, I want the staff to bring it back.

Well, so back in 2020-2021, I bought a lot of avatar accessories from the catalog and I regret them and the thing is that back in 2020-2021, I remember there was a feature where we could delete our avatar items from our inventory but now, the feature is just gone with only options either to Report Item or to Add to Profile being available.

The main reason, I want this feature to be added back is cause there are roblox players like me who have bought tons of avatar items but now just want to remove them, mainly cause we don’t wear them as often as we used to. Plus, this feature would be really good because players would have the right to delete items they bought.

Below are few reasons why this feature should come back:

  • Players would have right to delete the items themselves
  • Less cases of copyrighted items being deleted from our inventory
  • After that item has been deleted by roblox, it takes unnecessary space and somewhat there
    are players who tend to keep their inventories organized, so
  • Somewhat it would enhance roblox performance.

Overall, this feature was really good and it should do a comeback because a player should have their rights to delete UGC items. I know its better not to buy that item, if you wanna delete it but there might be few items that players might buy but later regret buying.

Thank you for your read!


One question: would you get refunded when you delete the accessory?

other than that, I would support this


Actually, if you’re deleting the item from your inventory yourself, then I don’t think we should get refunded. If we are wanting this feature then it should work both ways, i.e., for both players and roblox. We only get refunded when one of the items have been copyrighted and roblox refunds it. We bought the items ourselves and we are deleting it ourselves, so there is no reason to get refunded, if you get what I’m trying to say.


This is actually possible with a browser plugin called “RoSeal”, it lets you delete them from inventory.
I do not know how it does this, but its possible.


I honestly don’t think that we should always rely on these browser plugins. Browser plugins or extensions cannot always be trusted as there are chances of them containing viruses and other such contents. I assume that Roblox should bring back this feature and so we won’t have to rely on such extensions or plugins.

Though, I do not oppose this RoSeal plugin but it cannot always be trusted.


Yeah, you are completely right. These plugins are just some alternatives, and it would be much much better if Roblox itself gave the option to do it. It’s good to only use plugins that are %100 trusted. In this case I think RoSeal is trustable. :+1::+1:


It is handled directly with the Roblox APIS. (I think)


You can remove gamepasses, but you won’t be refunded, so the same principle can apply here, like you said.

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This still exists. Only for items that are on sale though.

I know because I wanted to delete something from my inventory and noticed that I COULD delete an item that was on sale, but couldn’t delete items that were off sale.

I think we should just be able to hide items from showing up in the avatar editor. Then have a toggle to show hidden items, similar to showing archived items in the creator dashboard.

While deletion technically exists, it’s permanent, and doesn’t work for characters, dynamic heads, or Roblox-created items. I have so much clutter in my inventory I wish I could hide.


Yes, being able to hide or delete roblox made accessories and heads, gears and other parts of avatar accessories, should also be allowed to delete. I agree with you on this.


Hey, bumping this! I’ve been wanting to delete some assets created by Roblox from my inventory for a very long time, and I reallyyy want this feature to be added so we can delete Roblox accessories, packages and faces as well as UGC!

Disclaimer: the plugins only work for deleting UGC items, you sadly can’t delete actual Roblox items, otherwise I would’ve used a plugin to do it.

Hope we can get this seen by some staff, I definitely support this feature request! :​D


Me too. I hope you can share this post with your friends so that it can be seen by more robloxians and roblox can actually take action on it!

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This feature definitely needs more attention since too many users rely on third party plugins/addons which would be pretty bad if Roblox wants to encourage its users to safely use the platform… even just by adding the option to hide certain stuff from our inventory would be a major step forward. I could also see that being a useful feature for the trading community.


You used to be able to freely delete stuff, I had deleted many hats back in the old ROBLOX days; there should not be refunds.

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While that post is old… I am still concerned about my robux. especially since i have less than most people here (most of my robux stuff are from the bought robux) and i want to remove some items and get more robux for later

I just dont see this concept as a good idea, in fact i dont get why so many people rally behind it,

imagine someone lost there account for say and during the time they had there profile basically deleted because it makes it so easy to just delete items.

in fact i believe this is why roblox originally removed it due to scams

This feature was removed because its gone and buried, If its for UGC Items only this would make sense, but for everything else its so pointless ? who wants an organised inventory thats such an odd idea, like can someone explain what the feeling is that makes people want an “organised inventory” is it when items all look the same icon like what.

This makes no sense ? more copyright ? Lol

Never understood the want to just remove avatar items, like maybe a way to hide them or ones that are copyrighted/deleted disapear but i think this just a barrel of nothing.

and yes no refunds would be given making this feature extra pointless

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Thanks for your response @TheEternalDev.

Firstly, it is not a concept, rather it was a feature before. Bringing it back wouldn’t be a problem, now would it ? If yes, then let me know the drawbacks for this one.

It is for UGC items, accessories and so. We can’t and we never could delete roblox bought items otherwise. Gamepasses, T-shirts, Shirts & Pants is something that still can be removed from the inventory today and if we delete them off our own will, we don’t get refunds or anything. Instead, when a shirt or a pant is removed due to copyright, roblox refunds us back. So, I don’t see why bringing this feature back would be pointless???

It’s one choice really.

This is false, back in the day before 2015, a button would show up that states “Delete my stuff” or “Delete from my proifle in 2016” on roblox made items, especially on sale items and the feature was taken away during 2016 due to most likely safety concerns.
Why would roblox remove it before ?

Video Evidence of old examples from quick research :


An odd choice with no point Lol, organisation makes no sense, remove items i paid for to get no refund just to make my icons in my inventory match togethor ? Lol what

Well there is many, if an account was to for example get compromised a user could delete someone’s entire profile/ inventory which is one of the main reasons this feature in 2016 most likely disappeared due to free robux scams.

Starting 6/02/2025 roblox has been giving old items that were accidentally deleted back to former users also who accidentally did this back in 2013-2016, this makes the ideology pinpoint its not in roblox’s current desire to go ahead and release something like this

Also people could accidentally click on it with the “add to profile feature” and also generally it doesn’t really have a solid purpose except the want to make your inventory look i don’t even know ? organised with items matching similar colours ?

I get it for deleted items and it can be annoying but when it comes to the general full inventory i don’t get the point.

If this is for UGC its okay, but the post DOESNT State UGC, and as well all know from research that it was a feature on roblox back in the day, no clarification means we dont know.

Only if you own 15,000+ roblox items

Still confused by this less cases means more copyright ?

This post needs to state UGC in the title because if so it can make sense, but so far its to vague of a post and brings up a feature roblox removed due to flaws, it needs elaborating for a rally of support.

starting today even more interesting roblox gave someone the epic face due to the fact that they deleted it back when roblox had this feature by accident

Good word to note, a lot of complaints by accident

I dont see roblox rallying behind this when accidentally deleting items is a real problem and now robloc customer service are granting items in 2025 from years ago that were deleted ?

Evidence and visual aids : Maxgaming_14 and also Maxgaming_14 On ( X Formally Twitter )