Deluxe Bakery Build

Hey guys, I recently made this build for a commission. What do you guys think? How can I improve?

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PS: Palm trees are not mine.


Looks good, nothing really I see that needs improvement. Good job! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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With the style that I think you’re going for, I don’t think brick and other materials and textures that show detail should be used, but rather be replaced with MeshParts and Parts to make them stick out more, i.e. the Gift Shop. Along with that, some of the text just doesn’t fit in, along with some of the buildings’ structures and exterior. Some of it is also flat, along with the rocks looking a little off.


This looks really cool! As a small improvement, maybe you can make the wood planks on the crates to be at about a 45∘ angle so that way it looks more authentic

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