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Easy typewriter is usable through just two lines of code and even considers RichText tags!

local TP = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.TextProcessor);
TP:Typewriter(TextLabel, "Test: <b>Lua</b> <i>Text <b>Processor</b></i>", { length = .15 });

Simply running this code with the text processor in position and TextLabel defined will do:

Alternative video link.

If you have a special case you can always modify the code/adopt a simpler usage of the API:


With the “highlight” label defined as:

TP.Features = {
	["highlight"] = {"b", "font color='rgb(218,165,32)'"};
	--[[ Add more such as:
	[<tag>] = <replacementTags[]>;

Feel free to get the module on the Releases page.

(DEPRECATED) Superseded by utf8.graphemes.


Oh wow, this sounds really good, I’ll be sure to test it out!


WOW man this is so useful!
I have a quick question does this have a event for relating the text that’s in the textbox currently?.


I didn’t quite understand the question, could you rephrase that?

is there an event that gets the text that’s in the textbox?

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TextLabel.Text is a property that’s always available. The typewriter function runs asynchronously though so you can’t exactly get the text whilst it’s being written.

I am planning on expanding to a more scripter-friendly version instead of simply newbie-friendly in the future, where more features would definitely be present (Such as #Start, #Pause, #FastForward, #IncrementSpeed, and events such as #Started, #Completed), at which point you would be able to run synchronously and use of TextLabel.Text would get you the current text.

gotcha thanks for the info i hope the best for the pack.

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Very easy to implement into dialogue systems. Would recommend 100%


Hey! Just out of curiosity, some of the code looks similar to html. Is it somehow related?

It’s roblox RichText!
And they put it as

Tags are similar to XML/HTML tags and require both an opening and closing tag around the formatted text.