I can finally finish “A normal baseplate.”, a game that is supposed to be a baseplate with very detailed shaders. Awesome!
Updated the plugin with minor bug fixes and optimization improvements. Also the code is far better and less messy overall!
ROBLOX Would probably end up making their own thing. I have plans to think of optimizations for mostbootifulgirlever and let her know through our DM’s. Expect possible optimization updates in the future
Update Beta 1.2
About it
Beta 1.2 will release soon and it will include a new customizable variable. GI Render Distance. This will allow for you to set a custom render distance for GI. As most of us knew, roblox has a built in point light render distance. However, we’ve decided to upgrade. GI Lights (the lights that imitate bounce lighting) will become visible/non visible depending on distance. The default value is 50.
At what time it will release tommorow is currently unknown. Worst comes to worse we release the day after.
I’ve created a simple demo which will compare with and without the render distance. I have FPS enabled so you can see the difference. I placed a VERY VERY unrealistic amount of GI lights and made them visible and reactive to the distance for an extra visual representation. When using the render distance with the unrealistic amount of GI Lights cramped together, I get around 30 - 40 FPS. When I disable it, I get around 9 FPS. I must say, 30 - 40 is 5000% better than 9 FPS.
Where is this in the source code???
this is… fantastic, i used it in my realism showcase.
Question: do you have a system in place where if you shoot a ray through a translucent object it will decrease the ray strength by a % rather than turn it off?
No we do not. That is honestly a great feature. I will discuss about this with Mostbootifulgirl!
Thank you.
Question:Are the ray casts just tiny and little amounts of raycasts because if they are I can help with that.
There are 6 rays casted away from a pointlight. They each bounce 2 times. Unsure if that answers your question.
Yes, it does answer my question thank you for letting me know. If you are interested, I have this module where it can make raycasts in a grid formation depending on the size you choose.
I will certainly discuss it with mostbootiful girl.
im literally looking through the source rn to make the rays bounce more and this isnt anywhere? uhm i dont know if you are trying to cause problems or accidentally downloaded the wrong thing?
I’m planning to add this in a future update! Genius idea!
this might sound dumb but i was just messing around and is this how you would correctly increase the ray number
Please don’t do this. your not going to run at any fps above 10 and the effect it has so TINY. Plus that doesn’t work because 2 bounces is hard coded. So even if you calculate more rays the actually plugin will only use 2 of them
I would really like to use this for the attractions I am making, however one thing isn’t clear and that is when the original lights properties change, does the GI update to compensate? In the scenes of my attractions, certain lights turn on/off through a Tween on the brightness from 0 to its set brightness and from the set brightness back to 0, and I would need the GI to also do the same.