[DEPRECATED] StreamX - Reduce lag and prevent map cloning

You’re definitely in there.

cat 3284100522.txt                    

Yep, but Pixlz messaged me saying that DataBase wasnt working.

Yes it is, it should be done. You’re in there.


Done :wink:

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Is this topic going to stay on community resources topic though? After switching it, it still appears on community creations.

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No it’s on community creations.

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Presumably you don’t support meshparts because you can’t set meshid. Workaround could be to save a copy of every unique meshpart in the assets dir to a storage service and clone them out of there on the client. Roadmap item?

StreamX Update Report

Hello StreamX Users, I am writing this post to inform you of upcoming updates, features, and possibilities for downtime. Firstly, in the coming days we will be reworking our streaming backend for the delivery side. This will provide a faster database system, the ability to add more parts and part data in the future, such as Material Variants and Meshes, and will allow for further backend expansion and integration. The rework will use a real database system such as SQL, MongoDB, or Redis to greatly accelerate the delivery of parts resulting in lower latency. In this rework we also will be cutting down on bandwidth by using the place version ID to identify whether or not we need to reupload the part data or simply pull the old data from the database. Although with this update you may experience a few minutes of downtime as we switch backend code. Although there may be some downtime, all requests should shortly be routed to a different server while one is undergoing maintenance.

All of these updates will help with decreasing downtime and loading times as well as increasing the security and integrity of StreamX.

Happy streaming!


I feel like there is going to less customers now, because this category I think is the 3rd category thats never really looked at.

But I may be wrong and this could get more customers. Never know the results.

True. But since this is a paid service you had to move to #help-and-feedback:creations-feedback as it could’ve been flagged for being off-topic.

They should honestly add a #PaidService category, because I think more people would look at it rather than this category where no one pretty much looks at this category.

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Remember StreamX won’t be the only service we provide. We also may provide more services (open-sourced and closed source) in the future.


Is this normal right now?

Send me your script.

Don’t think that’s normal right there.

I also receive this btw

We can confirm it’s an issue although our backends are still up; will be looking at the domain configuration later as we’re all somewhat busy at the moment.

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Is your server up? I try and type in the URL for your server and it gives me the 502 error.

https://streamx.iipython.cf is up
It seems cloudflare doesn’t like our loadbalancing because the main URL is 404ing but yet both backends are up:

Also, it hasn’t been talked about much in this thread but we will credit everyone’s paid subscription for these outages. I’ve also been working on giving beta testers 2 months free.


Make this the 4th time for my API to invalidate AGAIN!