[DEPRECATED] StreamX - Reduce lag and prevent map cloning

Nobody else is really online so I don’t have full server access but I’ll take a look at it and see what I can do. Chances are your API key isn’t invalidated, the server is just spazzing out.


At this point you should just open source it, downtimes are too frequent.

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I’m about to ask that this gets pinned.

At the moment we will NOT be open sourcing tbe backend. Please stop asking. We hear you but it’s not an option as of right now.

I have no idea why the servers keep dying. After this we’ll be done with downtime.

Once we get the data costs down I’ll probably make superstable.streamx.wuantumpython.xyz which will only be upgraded every few months or so.


I am also getting a 401 right now

Their system loves to invalidate API keys for some reason.

To make this clear: if you receive a 401 and are a BETA TESTER, message me so I can give you your new API key. They have all been invalidated and replaced with one that works with the new key system.

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I’m not sure if you guys are doing or not, but are you going to make it where the original URL can swap servers is the original is not working?

That’s what it should already be doing, although clearly it’s not working as intended.

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I’m working on fixing the domain configuration now.

The domain configuration has been reset although the database system is still undergoing maintenance.

I an getting a 401 but I am not a Beta Tester

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How many people have currently bought the service?

For confidentiality purposes we won’t be expelling that information to the public.

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I finally got my stupid windows install functioning well enough to open studio, so the entire streaming backend is about to be rewritten with a lot of speed increases.

In theory, it should also support meshparts and any other things I feel like supporting.
These changes will be tested through my server BEFORE they go public, so no downtime will occur. Although when this gets transferred over to the production servers, everyone will need to grab the latest StreamX script from Github.


This can be useful for users with bad computers.


The maintenance has concluded and there should be no further downtime. (For real this time)

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About the material varient, I’m not sure if you guys have thought of this yet, this is just a theory on how you could support meshes and textures:

You could try and actually make the quality still 100% while compressing the texture, and then you could do the same thing with all the other parts to reduce latency and give more FPS? Just a theory.

There’s a big tradeoff when it comes to compression vs performance.
If we compress everything then either we have to accept lost performance or we compress it so little that it doesn’t make a difference.

We are thinking about it, although it’s going to take some work to get finished.
The rewrite will allow serialization of any Roblox property that we can physically support, ie. MaterialVariants/MeshIDs/Sounds/etc.

Might be able to support scripts soon as well depending on Roblox’s security level; we’ll see.


It see you changed the title, but how in the heck is it going to stop hackers? That sounds like clickbait

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Umm… How does StreamX exactly stop exploiters?

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