Deprecating a Legacy Inventory API

Hello Creators,

On February 4th, 2025, we will be deprecating the following endpoint:

This endpoint currently returns various attributes about the items in a user’s inventory.

To ensure a smooth transition, we encourage you to switch to the following API for your inventory querying needs: InventoryItem | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

We’re committed to providing you with the best possible tools and resources, and these updates will help us deliver a more efficient and streamlined experience. Read more about other deprecated endpoints here.

Thanks for your continued support! Please comment and let us know if you have any concerns.

Roblox Core Services Team


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Good to know; excuse my ignorance, I haven’t done cloud development / (anything that generally utilizes use of this, generally) for quite some time now – are there any main differences in legacy API compared to V2?


I made this feature-request a while ago about a missing parameter only present on the legacy APIs, would be appreciated if this could be looked into:


Hi there :slightly_smiling_face: Would it be possible to describe the ratelimiting of the Open Cloud /cloud/v2/users/{user_id}/inventory-items endpoint, or any approximations? And does the endpoint get ratelimited by IP or by API key?


Wanted to +1 what @abcreator said - a missing use-case is returning the time a user obtained an item. I’ve built a few applications in the past that deal with the collection and aggregation of user inventory data in order to create statistics for a few different datasets. I’m currently building out an on-platform experience for this (images below).

Currently, I need to ask my users to make their inventories public - and then query the legacy inventory API in order to get the time the user obtained their items (created field). The Open Cloud variant doesn’t provide any timestamps regarding when the user obtained an item, and the AvatarEditorService:GetInventory method can’t be used as it’s entirely client-sided and thus would harm the integrity of the experience (in context of things like leaderboards and overarching statistics).

Allowing us to query this information through Open Cloud APIs would give users a safe way to allow our experiences to collect their inventory data without having to expose anything, and give developers a reliable and secure (as in: integrity is kept) way of getting this data :pray:

P.S. Thank you for the continued heads-up about deprecated endpoints & when y’all are going to kill them! Even if some don’t see much traffic nowadays, it’s still awesome to be getting updates all these years later.


Are there any specific plans to implement support for API key or OAuth 2.0 authentication in the legacy APIs (Inventory API v2, Badges API v1, and Game Passes API), or will they remain dependent on cookie authentication indefinitely? Additionally, how can developers provide feedback on specific use-cases that are not covered by the new InventoryItem API?


Interesting change, wondering where this will lead us!
I Do agree this was a needed change, although you must be careful to not hurt businesses like Rolimons


If you used the old one, will it still be able to work?


We’ve generally focused on incorporating the legacy APIs’ functionality into OpenCloud v2 resources. However, we understand that necessitates more code changes for any scripts you have built on top of the legacy APIs already, vs. just swapping out a cookie for an API key and changing the URL.

We did pretty much what you described for a few APIs at the end of last year! Legacy overview | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub

We have plans this year to:

  • Accelerate the pace of providing API options that don’t need cookies
  • Improving the reference documentation so it’s easier to find API endpoints and understand which auth methods they support

Thanks @Abcreator and @green271 - we’re looking into how we can support this for all item types in the InventoryItem API and will follow up here.