Deprecation of CurrencyType

As far as I know, Enum.CurrencyType was used in the past by developers to prompt item purchases with a specific currency type or to know if a product was purchased using Robux or Tix. Since tix no longer exist & this enum is ignored by :PromptPurchase there is no reason to use this Enum, and I think CurrencyType should definitely be deprecated/marked as deprecated.


Hello @flamenco_687! Thank you very much for this report, I have added it to our backlog, which means we’ll get to it in due time.

Have a great day!


The parameters of PromptPurchase are determined by the API dump, which comes directly from the Roblox software. In other words, It cannot be straight-up removed from the developer hub unless it’s removed from the API. This is unlikely, as removing a single parameter at the end of a function header has (at least to my knowledge) never happened in the history of Roblox’s API. There’s various reasons why this is, but you’d have to ask an engineer for specifics. Either way, it’s likely the enum, and this property, will stick around for along time.

Existing work that has been unchanged since the removal of tickets could still be using this property. This accurately describes how the engine treats this property (it’s ignored). I’ve added a note to the CurrencyType enum page specifying that the enum is no longer relevant due to the removal of tickets.


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