Wondering if the blurriness is too strong for the eye? Could this hurt gameplay?
It really depends on what style of gameplay you have. Do players need to be able to see over large distances? If yes, then remove the effect. However, if the game is mostly close combat oriented, the effect is fine. In that case I’d even suggest adding a very slight light blue fog, maybe ranging from 200 - 2000 start to end.
Something important I learned during my time developing games on Roblox was that game design should ALWAYS be prioritized over the art design of your game. Visual quality is very important, sure, but the ability to play your game to it’s full potential is what makes or breaks your game.
Well for the most part, the game is mainly focused on close combat. So from what it looks like, this should not be an issue.
It’s perfect, it’s too far away to be noticed.
Maybe make it a little less blurry.
I think it is just fine! (30 chars)
If exploration is important, I think the blur is appropriate since you can’t quite see what’s up ahead, but you know it’s something cool.
Personally it looks fine, but if you are going to have players spawning all around the map, such as in the area where that depth of field is rather strong, I think reducing the amount would be a great option as players would want to see where others are spawning.
Nah, let it be blurry because it is looking more unique with this new blurry effect.