Deranged Devlog #1, Guns

Hello, this is a devlog for up and coming game known as Deranged, game is not released yet. This game is a part of artwork studios.
Group: Artwork Studio - Roblox
Game (Not Open): old random game - Roblox

Devlog Number 1, Guns. :gun: :gun:

We have decided to make a new AKS-74U model! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:


This new model is more complex and fits the game theme even more now!
Next up we have a sick super shorty model! :chart_with_upwards_trend:

Model 2


Next up we have a new and awesome M4A1 Model! :boom:

Model 3

Scripting Part

Bug fixes: fixed it so raycasts do not have infinite range! image
Before it was just *130 now it has a unit which fixes this bug!
Now added R to reload!
Heres what it looks like! (Can’t Leak Much Of The Code, Personal Reasons)


Also made muzzle flashes server sided!

Finally, I have created visible bullets! (idk why it took so long lol)

Also I have added a blood cloud when a player is damaged! :drop_of_blood:
(Gore Warning)



Overview :spiral_notepad:

So far I am planning to revamp all of the outdated gun models. The new gun models will make the game look so much nicer! I need your guy’s help with a question about shotguns. Poll is down below below!

Should shotguns shoot one big slug or shoot multiple pellets?
  • Pellets
  • Slug

0 voters

Thanks for reading! :smiley:

(Written On 8/2/2021)


You could do attachments similar to Phantom Forces and CoD has and the shotguns could have an option for slugs.

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true i actually might add that :thinking:

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