Deranged Public Dev Test CLOSED FOR NOW

Deranged Public Dev Test: A Testing Ground Before the full game gets released!
Keep in mind this is not the full map!

This game is similar to da hood and has cool and unique features.

Keep in mind not all items are realsed and this is just a test!


I like it a bit, please add a different map, instead of going to buy guns separately you should make a GUI type shop like this, add Animation’s to the pistol and you should be fine, I suggest going for a low-poly island type map!

closed for now btw
bugs i need to fix: cant here others gun shots, datastores

i have been thinking of that except for low poly map and pistol, the pistol has anims already but it might be bugged! thanks for feed back

also this is just a testing map for now the regular map will be really detailed city!

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i tried a low poly map and i am loving it! great map style before full map is released!

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Cool, can’t wait to see it! :+1: