If you check the Basic Settings and Description of an experience, you might see some filtering like so:
And if I check the same description on the sites page, it’s not filtered consistently:

Page URL: https://create.roblox.com/dashboard/creations/experiences/[UniveriseID]/places/[PlaceID]/configure
Basic Settings can be reached by:
- going to your dashboard
- click your experience to go into its settings
- click places on the left hand side under configure to see all of the associated places
- click the place you want, and basic settings will appear
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Thanks for the report, We’ll follow up when we have an update for you.
Thanks for reporting. I’ve added this issue to our backlog. Is this issue causing any use-ability issues or is it just cosmetic?
It mostly adds confusion to devs as we’re unsure of what is and isn’t getting filtered in the final description.
Got it. Thanks for the clarification!
Thanks again for the report. We looked into it and confirmed this is a bug.
Unfortunately, we’re not going to be able to fix it in the near-future. Our bandwidth is limited and we’re prioritizing other things.
I’d recommend as a workaround that, if you’re seeing this behavior, configure using the Experience level “Configure” page.