Description when creating an event not displaying

When creating an event the event description is not displaying.


  1. Set up event details time and date
  2. Add description
  3. Save
  4. Go to event page and no description shows
  5. Go to edit the event and no description is shown as having been entered
    Repeat steps and same outcome.

:point_right:t2: Also tried deleting the event all together and re-adding but same outcome.
:point_right:t2: This happens both in draft or public.

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Hi @Bevarooni, apologies for the the late response!

This is a bug in the update event flow: the event description was moderated, and we should display an error message instead of redirecting to the event details page.

Thank you for letting us know - we’ll patch this up!

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It would be great to know what part was moderated on events when it does get moderated as I did spend over half an hour trying to remove text I thought maybe was the problem and even tried putting just a few lines… ended up rage quitting lol.

Thanks for the response


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Hey - we’ve just fixed this up.

Completely understand the frustration of not having visibility on the exact text being moderated. The team will see if this can be improved, thanks for the feedback!

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