Desert Eagle .50 | 3D Model + Textures

Desert Eagle .50 AE textured in Substance Painter. Was a bit skeptical about this one going in since I haven’t really done a model with an overly shiny finish before. I think it turned out pretty well, though!

Thoughts and feedback are always welcome.



My hands are shakin’-- my hands are shakin’! But I’m still shootin’! An’ I’m still gettin’ headshots! It’s like, BOOM HEADSHOT, BOOM HEADSHOT, BOOM HEADSHOT!


Dang, looks good.

If only I knew how to use blender


You just have to invest a decent amount of time into learning it. (Like most programs, really)

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Very nice, I think the shiny look really suits it.

Keep up the good work. :+1:t2:

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