Design advice for a hangman game

Hi everyone,

I’m working on a Hangman game, but since I can’t use a stickfigure being “hung,” I’m looking for alternatives. Here’s a quick breakdown of how Hangman works:

In Hangman, one player thinks of a word, and the other guesses letters. Correct guesses fill in the blanks, while incorrect guesses result in losing a life. For each wrong guess, a stickfigure’s body is drawn (head, limbs, etc.) to represent the mistakes. The game ends when the word is guessed or all lives are lost.

I originally uploaded a typical stickfigure (frame-by-frame), as seen in most versions of the game, but it was flagged and deleted. I understand why, though I didn’t initially realize how it could be seen as offensive, even though it’s from a children’s game.

(Picture in question)

I’ve considered using a regular stickfigure floating in mid-air, but it feels a bit too plain. I’d prefer to avoid that if possible.

Any suggestions for a suitable replacement would be greatly appreciated!


How about you ‘build’ the stick figure over a trap door and when the figure is complete the weight opens the door and drops it into a death pit full of random items for every round. Stuff like snakes, crushing walls, water filled, lava etc.
Seems to me it wouldn’t be any worse than most other games on Roblox.

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I really like that idea, actually. I’ll most likely go with that one. Thanks!:smiley:

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maybe it doesn’t even have to be a stickman! it can be a noob character!

with a stickman, it might be hard to give it any “life”

it will be nice to incorporate a 3d character instead of a bunch of image labels.

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