Designing a 'narrator'/ for a PvE/PvP experience

  1. What do you want to achieve? Keep it simple and clear!
    I’m currently interested in developing a game that advances in stages; whether it be due to the completion of a task, the destruction of something, or the elimination of enemies. Generally, this is intended to increase player immersion or at least introduce something more entertaining than just pointing and shooting at other players and charging AI. An example could be something like a campaign mode that has coop, like Left for Dead 2.

  2. What is the issue? Include enough details if possible!
    Whether for a large map or several small ones that are rotated, the issue is streamlining the objectives and having them be ‘chosen’ randomly. Specifically, there would be several prefabs kept in storage until goals were chosen and then spawned onto the map to be chosen. Another issue is recognizing the completion of the objective, given that there would be several objectives.

  3. What solutions have you thought of so far?
    Having a folder that contains objectives, one of which is randomly chosen; once completed, it moves on to the next chosen goal, repeating until the end of the round, or at least ending once a set amount of goals were completed.

Ultimately, I’m just brainstorming as of right now, as I’ll probably work on this concept later when I have free time. If any clarification is needed, then I’m happy to provide it.


It sounds to me like you’re on the right track for this. To me, it sounds like at most you’re concerned with how you need to manage this game.

I think it’s simpler to get the children of the objectives folder at the start of the round and put it into a table. As the game selects objectives, you can remove the selection from the table so it’s not repeated. This table would just be for the current round of the game itself. As for tracking the completion of the objectives you can have each objective track its own completion and fire a “Completed” Event once it detects the objective completed, like a topic system. This would then propel any other parts of the code to start the next objective.

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Definitely, the management of such a system can get cluttered quickly; the idea of utilizing tables to check which objectives have been already selected is a great idea, eventually being reset. I guess now the hardest part is just coming up with objectives themselves and ensuring that they aren’t just fetching items or eliminating a bullet sponge - at least for the majority of them.

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