DesiredAngle of Motor6D not Changing in ServerScript

dmainComp = animations.Gears.MainR.STAS.Motor
print(true, mainCompressMinR, trans31)
local interval = 0.015
dmainComp.DesiredAngle = dmainComp.DesiredAngle + interval

Why doesn’t the DesiredAngle of my Motor6D change, even though it’s printing what I put in there? It’s not welded, as the script was able to set it before like animations.Gears.MainR.STAS.Motor.DesiredAngle = -0.4, and I could manually enter a DesiredAngle value.


It’s tricky to tell but from what I can gather, you have an animation, and you want to change some angle in the animation.

I know from all the other parts that changing the angle of something is either changing it’s orientation, like the angle a head is put on an NPC, or by changing the CFrame.

Both of these angle aspects are in Vector3 format. Unless you are getting angles and in radians but then you have to specify which one you are change.

But having said that, I would just create a new animation and have that animation set to the new angle. Then just play the “Angle015” animation when needed.

Aditionally, you should have a root part. Like HumanoidRootPart. It’s like the Model PrimaryPart. You can then change that CFrame of that part and the whole thing will turn and then play the animation relative to the PrimaryPart.


Sorry, but it’s not that sort of animation. It’s one on a plane, using Motor6D. So I don’t think this applies to this situation.


Alright, so I’m helping make a project and I need somebody to update me on how to fix this. Any help?

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