Destroy Problem

Hello! Recently, I have added an easter egg to my game! However, I want the script to destroy the brick after it is clicked, and keep it that way forever!

Heres my script:

local HomePart = script.Parent
local Click = HomePart.ClickDetector
local BadgeId = 2124792622


Please help!

is there any error? maybe from badgeaward?

Nope, the script works fine! I’ll specify the problem more. Basically, when the player clicks it, the parents gets destroyed. I would like it to be permanite. In other words, when the player leaves, it will stay destroyed.

You want it destroyed for just that player, right? If so, you would need a RemoteEvent (for :FireClient() ) and also use DataStores.

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Yes! Thank you so much for brining that up!