Destroy script broken

So I’ve made a morph script, and there’s another button I’m making which helps transform the player back.

It works, in that the player is made visible again, but the model with the rig inside the player is not desroyed.

(the thing that needs to be deleted is the moddel called Morph)

Anything past line 9 doesn’t work.
I’m still new, so it’s probably a simple error, either way thank you for any help.

(This is just in a localscript in a gui button)

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local Character = Player.Character

	for _,part in pairs(Player.Character:GetDescendants()) do
		if part:IsA('BasePart') or part:IsA('Decal') then
			part.Transparency = 0
	Player:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart").Transparency = 1
	Player.Animate.Enabled = true

What exactly do you mean by “not work”? does nothing happen? does it give you an error?

No error messages, But essentially it can’t seem to find the ‘Morph’ model.

The transparency part of the script in the for loop functions

If it cant find the morph model, it should return a model saying something about being unable to find the child.

wait I just realized…

game.Players.LocalPlayer is the player object, so why are you using PLayer:FindFirstChild and not Character:FindFirstChild when the morph is in the character XD

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Thank explains a lot.

Thank you, I’ll see if i can fix it up, I should be able to.

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Yeah, that was it. I usually miss something stupid like that. Thanks!

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