Detect and crash every string in CoreGui

I was using this method in my anti-cheat project, and now I want to share it with everyone :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
My AC Server: Discord

local LocalizationService = game:GetService("LocalizationService")

local LongStr = string.rep("的是不了人在有我他这中大来上个们为到和地出要于你说会就下得可也时对生能而子那得知过多\n", 5000000)

local BlockedString = {"Execute", "Clipboard"} -- u can add more str here <3

for i, v in pairs(BlockedString) do
	local localTable ="LocalizationTable")
	localTable.Parent = LocalizationService
			Key = "0x" .. i,
			Source = v,
			Values = {
				["en-us"] = LongStr,

Feel Free To Use It! Goodbye :3


I tested this with an exploit simulator on Studio. Low and behold, it actually does crash when you run the exploit script!

A video showcasing an exploit simulator being used. Roblox Studio crashes upon running Infinite Yield with it.

I modified the script to work better, and specifically target Infinite Yield. I’m sure there’s other exploit scripts out there that this should account for as well.

Source Code
local Localization = game:GetService("LocalizationService")
local LocaleId = Localization.SystemLocaleId

local Blocked = {
	"explorer / dex",
	"olddex / odex",
	"audiologger / alogger",
	"serverinfo / info",
	"autorejoin / autorj",
	"serverhop / shop",
	"savegame / saveplace",
	"clientantikick / antikick (CLIENT)",
	"nosafechat / disablesafechat",
	"headsit [player]",

local Crash = string.rep("的是不了人在有我他这中大来上个们为到和地出要于你说会就下得可也时对生能而子那得知过多\n", 1e6)

for i, text in Blocked do
	local translation ="LocalizationTable")
		Key = tostring(i),
		Source = text,
		Values = {
			[LocaleId] = Crash,
	translation.Parent = Localization

script.Name = "LocalScript"
getfenv().script = nil

where does the script go in studio (ie ss, rep storage,etc)

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very trolly method can’t wait to watch all the exploit discord servers brag about how they set autolocalize to false on their skiddy coreguis


This is bypasssed in 2 lines, posting skidded detections and claiming they’re your own is a very new low

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send proof that this method leaked before me post this?


That is insanely smart and creative, gg!

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Great detection! Thanks for giving this resource to the community. Don’t worry about the anticheat devs malding in your replies.


That silenced him real quick :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Bruh ,what is this string.rep("的是不了人在有我他这中大来上个们为到和地出要于你说会就下得可也时对生能而子那得知过多\n", 5000000)
what it does???


a string that very very long used to crash the client

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Not trying to be the buzzkill, sorry, but I did read somewhere that clients crashing does affect the game’s ranking on the Roblox algorithm :-/


Ok I thought this wasn’t going to work but this works lol

This is a client sided script which I put in ReplicatedFirst. It may go anywhere that client code will run!

Yeah, there are three ways to bypass this. Having an anti-cheat on the client couldn’t hurt though (assuming no performance impact). We can try to make it as hard as possible to bypass, but eventually somebody will make one and eventually we’ll stop trying.

This is only crashing exploiters though. Isn’t that a good thing?

The algorithm doesn’t know if a client is an exploiter. Just kick/ban them.

This resource cannot be converted to kick instead of crashing the exploiter, unfortunately. You are rtight though, it would be more ideal to ban the exploiter instead.

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You can’t send a message to the server in some way to kick/ban them?

No, because there is no way to detect the crash! This anti-cheat script simply translates some messages that are going to be in exploit UI, and makes the translation extremely long which crashes their client.

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Oh okay. I misunderstood what this even was :sweat_smile: Thanks for explaining

I don’t think this is true. Why would Roblox do this? There isn’t an API that detects crashes and lowers your “game’s ranking”. :man_shrugging:

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