Detect if model collides?

I’m making a randomly generated cart ride game and I don’t want two track pieces intersecting. I’ve already got the randomly generated part down, but now I need to know how to make sure two different tracks don’t collide. How do I do this?

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Try WorldRoot:GetPartsInPart()


You could try using ray cast to check if there is a part infront or using region3. I think using touched would be pretty impractical since you’d have to create the track, use touch, then delete if it is touching.

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You’d only need overlaps params to help you with this. Raycast would be too inefficient unless you want it to detect from the front and back only.

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I have tried to use OverlapParams plus recursive funcrions to try and dix the issue. However, it was slow and horribly iniefficient. Do you have any code snippits for me maybe?

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It worked me good, how was it inefficient and slow?

What do you want to do exactly that the Cart should not collide with another Card?

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Sorry, I was on my phone earlier. This is my code:

local overlapParams =
overlapParams.FilterType = Enum.RaycastFilterType.Blacklist

function choosePiece()
	print("Choosing Piece...")
	local pieceIsFine = true
	local chosen:Model = trackPieces[math.random(1,#trackPieces)]:Clone()
	overlapParams.FilterDescendantsInstances = {chosen}
	for i,v in pairs(chosen:GetChildren()) do
		if v:IsA("BasePart") and v.Name ~= "Start" and v.Name ~= "End" then
			local partsIn = workspace:GetPartsInPart(v,overlapParams)
			if #partsIn > 0 then
				print("Oops! This piece doesn't fit: ",partsIn[1].Name)
				pieceIsFine = false
	if not pieceIsFine then
		return choosePiece()
	print("This piece is good!")
	return chosen

Doesn’t work that fast. Places like 1 track every 30 seconds, which is not good.

What do you want to do exactly

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Trying to make a randomly generated cart ride track.