Trying to detect when the Mouse.Target changes parts. Each part has the exact same name, just different parts.
local RenderStepped = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
if not Mouse.Target then return end
if Mouse.Target.Name ~= 'Wall' then return end
local Texture = Mouse.Target:FindFirstChild('Texture')
if not Texture then return end
local OriginalTexture = Texture.Texture
Texture.Texture = item.Texture
Cause basically, what I want to happen, if when the player hovers over the wall, it changes the texture (which it is doing atm) however, when the mouse leaves said wall, the wall stays the new texture, instead of reverting back to the old texture (OriginalTexture)
Use a variable like LastPart to keep track of the previous part. No need for checking the name.
local LastPart = nil
local RenderStepped = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
if Mouse.Target ~= nil then
if Mouse.Target ~= LastPart then
-- LastPart = Mouse.Target
-- use this variable for reverting back to previous texture, once it's reverted then change the variable.
LastPart = nil
I left out the texture stuff, but it can easily be implemented
if Mouse.Target ~= LastPart then
LastPart = Mouse.Target
LastPart.Texture.Texture = OriginalTexture
LastPart = nil
It didn’t work/nothing changed
Full script with a few edits (still not working)
local RenderStepped = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
if not Mouse.Target then return end
if Mouse.Target.Name ~= 'Wall' then return end
local Texture = Mouse.Target:FindFirstChild('Texture')
if not Texture then return end
local OriginalTexture = Texture.Texture
Texture.Texture = item.Texture
LastPart = Mouse.Target
if Mouse.Target ~= LastPart then
LastPart = Mouse.Target
LastPart.Texture.Texture = OriginalTexture
You’re setting your LastPart variable right before checking if Mouse.Target isn’t equal to LastPart – remove that line before your if-statement.
local RenderStepped = RunService.RenderStepped:Connect(function()
if not Mouse.Target then return end
if Mouse.Target.Name ~= 'Wall' then return end
local Texture = Mouse.Target:FindFirstChild('Texture')
if not Texture then return end
local OriginalTexture = Texture.Texture
Texture.Texture = item.Texture
if Mouse.Target ~= LastPart then
LastPart = Mouse.Target
LastPart.Texture.Texture = OriginalTexture
I just sort of skimmed over all this – let me read further and adjust accordingly. Still make sure that line is removed because that’s practically overriding what you’re wanting to check.
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local mouse = plr:GetMouse()
local rs = game:GetService('RunService')
local LastPart = nil
local OriginalTexture = nil
local tar = mouse.Target
if tar then
if tar.Name == 'Wall' then
local texture = mouse.Target:findFirstChild('Texture')
if texture then
if not LastPart then
LastPart = tar
OriginalTexture = texture.Texture
texture.Texture = item.Texture
if tar ~= LastPart then
LastPart:WaitForChild('Texture').Texture = OriginalTexture
LastPart = nil
Would you by any chance know why this is occuring?
Basically, works, but when you change colors, it still stays the same original color. You have to press the button twice for it to actually change. Even tho clicking it once is setting the ‘selected’ color to the new color.
Tried adding this above it, thinking it would stop the render from happening, but did nothing
if RenderStepped then