Detect If Your Friend Is Playing A Roblox Game

So, what I’m trying to achieve here is I’m trying to detect if your friend is playing a Roblox game, mine specifically because I’m making a hub/lobby where you can join your friends IF they’re in your experience, but I’m not sure how to do this. So, in short is there a way to make it so I can see if my friend is in my game and then be able to follow him all through script within the hub/lobby I’m creating?

Here is a picture example so you can get a grasp of what I’m saying,
99685fb81e6b71c6766b89864d9cb667-png.jpg (1200×696) (

In the online friends frame I’d have features that you can see the friends that are online and follow your friend that is online in a game of yours.

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nvm its not i read your text 3 times and now i understand

Step 1: GUI Setup

First, create a GUI button in your game. You can do this in Roblox Studio by inserting a ScreenGui into the StarterGui and then adding a TextButton inside the ScreenGui.

Step 2: LocalScript for the Button

  1. Detecting Friends and Showing in GUI:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local gui = player.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("ScreenGui")
local button = gui:WaitForChild("Button")  -- Replace with your button's name
local friendsList = {}  -- To store friend info

local function updateFriendsList()
    friendsList = {}  -- Reset list
    local success, friends = pcall(function()
        return player:GetFriendsOnline(50)  -- Getting up to 50 online friends

    if success then
        for _, friend in pairs(friends) do
            if friend.IsOnline and friend.PlaceId == game.PlaceId then
                -- Add friend info to friendsList, assuming they're in the same game
                table.insert(friendsList, friend)
        warn("Failed to get friends list")

-- Call this function periodically or via some event to update the list
  1. Creating GUI for Friend List:

You would need to create a GUI element to list these friends. This part of the script assumes you have a Frame or ScrollingFrame to list the friends and a TextButton template to clone for each friend.

local friendsFrame = gui:WaitForChild("FriendsFrame")  -- Replace with your frame's name

local function displayFriends()
    for _, friend in pairs(friendsList) do
        local friendButton = button:Clone()
        friendButton.Parent = friendsFrame
        friendButton.Text = friend.Username
        friendButton.Visible = true

        -- Teleport to friend's game on click
            game:GetService("TeleportService"):Teleport(game.PlaceId, player, friend.Id)

-- Update display whenever the friend list is updated
  1. Periodically Updating the Friend List:

You might want to periodically check for updates to the friend list. You can do this using a loop with a wait, but be mindful of rate limits and performance.

luaCopy code

while wait(60) do  -- Update every 60 seconds

Important Notes:

  • Teleportation Limitations: The Teleport method won’t directly take you to the same server as your friend due to Roblox’s privacy and security systems. This is a significant limitation.
  • API Restrictions: There are limitations in the Roblox API regarding what information you can access about where friends are playing, especially with respect to specific server instances.

Thank you so much, I appreciate your help!

No, Problem glad i could help you out!

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