Detect location where mouse is pointed on 3 axis

I am trying to make a function, that when the player hits a keyboard hotkey, (example: R-key), the game will detect the location of the closest on-surface position in the exact direction where the player’s mouse is pointed, but I have no clue what function I would use for that detection, can anyone help?

Thanks for reading

You can get the player’s mouse via GetMouse then use Mouse.Hit


Could you show me an example of how this would be used?

There is a pretty good example on the link I posted for Mouse.Hit. Let me know if you’re still confused after testing that out.

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I’m not sure I get that right, also, how would I add that I make a brick tween in that location, visible to a specific team?

I believe this answer your question:

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With the mouse.hit function, is it possible to detect where exactly the mouse on the part is hovering?

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I noticed, mouse.hit will give me the exact location of the mouse in the workspace, is it possible for me to save that location to a local and then create a part on that location?

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Yeah you can get the mouse position with


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if I want to create a part in that location, would i do the following?

local part =“Part”)
part.Parent = workspace
part.Position =

I don’t think you need vector3 in that place but yes it will work.

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So would i just do the following then?
part.Position = mouse.hit.p

Yes if it did not work use the Vector3 method.

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Use this example to replace the build part with the transport


Create tool like image

– Script

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)
local TransferPartEvent =“RemoteEvent”, ReplicatedStorage)
TransferPartEvent.Name = “TransferPartEvent”

local Part = game.Workspace.Part

local function onTransferPartFired(player, Location)
print(player.Name, “wants to Transfer a part”)

Part.Position = Location



– LocalScript

local ReplicatedStorage = game:GetService(“ReplicatedStorage”)
local TransferPartEvent = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild(“TransferPartEvent”)
local tool = script.Parent

	 local Location = mouse.Hit.p


Mouse.Hit returns a CFrame value that can be applied to 3D objects.

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