Detect when player jumps

hell all, I’m just wondering what the best way for me to detect when a player jumps. A lot of pages suggest humanoid.Jump etc or jumping, but none seem to be working. All i want is to have something fire an event when a player jumps so it lowers their stamina, and im wondering what the easiest way to do this would be

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I believe you should use the humanoid.Jumping method. So something like this:

-- lets say your script is in 'StarterCharacterScripts'
local character = script.Parent
local hum = character:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

	if state == true then -- if humanoid has jumped
		-- code
	else -- if humanoid has landed (i think)
		-- other code

There is also another method where you can check the humanoid StateType.

Here’s another example:

-- again let's say your script is in StarterCharacterScripts
local char = script.Parent
local hum = char:WaitForChild("Humanoid")

hum.StateChanged:Connect(function(oldState, newState)
	if newState == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Jumping then -- if humanoid is currently jumping
		-- code

this worked, the only gripe i have is that it only works about 1 in 6 tries, as in I could jump 6 times and at least one of those times one of the jumps will not be detected. For me it works fine but for future scenarios I would love a more consistent version

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Just a little bit of more research about this, and I think you may find a fix to that small issue. I never really had that kind of issue before with this. I recommend using the Humanoid.StateChanged method as it’s better and is more reliable.

local function OnHumanoidJumping(Active)
	if not Active then return end
	print("Hello world!")

Use the ‘Jumping’ event instead, I’ve never encountered any inconsistencies while using it. The ‘Active’ parameter simply represents if a jump is beginning or ending.


hello, I am still encountering a lot of issues with the .jump and .jumping events and nothing seems to be working consistently or to a decent standard.

local stamina = {}

local Players = game:GetService("Players")

local maxStamina = 100

local function playerJumped(active, player)
	if active then 	print("jumped") end

local function func(player)
	local stamina ="IntValue")
	stamina.Value = maxStamina
	stamina.Name = "Stamina"
	stamina.Parent = player
	local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()


return stamina

this is what my code looks like and it is extremely inconsistent, as in it will detect maybe 1 out of 10 jumps where as .jumping would work a good 4 out of 6 times. is there something wrong with this code? Most of it is just for testing purposes and has yet to have any function.

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