Detecting a player being touched through the roblox game client

Is it possible to detect if my avatar is being touched while I am playing on roblox. For example if I am playing Tower Of Hell, and I touch a kill brick, I could run a script on my PC to light up a LED in real life.

Think of it like a Minecraft mod for roblox. (What I am trying to do only effects the client)

I can answer questions if you are unsure of what I am talking about.

I am planning on using Arduino for this.

Theoretically it would be possible to run an HTTP server on the Arduino with an ethernet shield and send a request to it using HTTPService on the server

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Originally I was thinking about using HTTP service, but I saw people tinkering with roblox sounds on the game client. I thought maybe you could detect a player touching a part through there.

also i dont know that much about http service

It could also be possible to use Node or Python to run an HTTP server and connect to the arduino via serial over USB

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