So im trying to detect when the data store queue fills (im sure we’re all familiar with this image ) I will be using this warning in the client to inform the person requesting data that the queue has filled instead of a simple server side console error that the player cannot see.
I would like to know the best/Most efficient way to detect when this happens, and catch the warning.
--typically using a pcall you can catch and error and send it if wanted
local s, m = pcall(function()
Code that produces error here
if m then
event:FireClient(client, m)
--now i want to know if theres a way to detect where this warning comes from for the data store so that i can do something similar.
This isn’t an error, this is just a warning stating that the request was put in a queue, and would take a bit more time than usual to complete. Another thing is that the script will yield until it either retrieved the data or errored, which you can handle from there.
yeah, I meant warning. You get the point. If the script yields how can I detect it then?
--Script yields here due to data store request overflow
--Detecting the yield (never happens because the yield prevents the script from executing this part.)
It’s supposed to detect the moment there’s a yield and send it to the client.