Detecting when a Script made a warning

Recently, with a small help (help page), I have made a Script that detects when there was a Script Error. The code looks similar to this:

game:GetService("ScriptContext").Error:Connect(function(message, trace, script)
	local name = script.Name
	if name == "NameOfMyScript" then

I want to do the same thing but with detecting Script warnings. I searched DevForum a lot but I still don’t know how to do it. Every help would be appreciated.

It looks like LogService has a MessageOut event that contains a parameter of which message type was used.

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I tried using LogService but I don’t know how to detect what Script have made a warning. Here’s my code that uses LogService:

game:GetService("LogService").MessageOut:Connect(function(Message, Type)
	if Type == Enum.MessageType.MessageWarning --[[and WhatScriptHaveMadeAWarning.Name == "My Script's Name"]]then

To make it work using LogService, one way would be to have an identifier at the beginning of the string

LogService.MessageOut:Connect(function(message, Type)
    if Type == Enum.MessageType.MessageWarning then
        local msg = message:match("_fromMyScript")  
        if msg then
            print("warn from _fromMyScript")  -- you can utilize simple string manipulation to get just the message e.g string.sub, string.match ...
warn("_fromMyScript this is a warn") -- include an identifier "__fromMyScript"

though it would be a terrible choice under normal circumstances to rely on this for any game logic, I think it said this in the API reference too.


Thanks for your help. I realised that warnings doesn’t have information what have caused them (screenshot).

These blue messages seems to have info of what script have caused the warning.
I made a script that scans every message in the logs and checks for GameProgressService text. Here is the script:

	local name = message:match("GameProgressService")  
	if name then

Thanks again for @XxELECTROFUSIONxX and @Blokav help!

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