Detecting if 10 seconds have passed

I probably should better explain this. There is 600 seconds (the length) for a game, after 10 seconds have passed, I want the murderer to teleport to the map. That’s why I need help trying to figure out how 10 seconds have passed.

@JaksonNX @OIogist

function module.StartFFGRound(length, chosenMurderer, map) -- in seconds
	local i = length
	while i >= 0 do
		i -= 1
	-- Teleport everyone else.

	delay(10, function()
		-- Teleport murderer in.
	delay(length, function()
		-- End game?

Delay on the last one is optional, only if you don’t want code to yield

Then just teleport all the players (excluding the murderer), then teleport the murderer after 10 seconds.

local murderer = game.Players:GetPlayers()[math.random(1,#game.Players:GetPlayers)]
local countdown = tick()

for _, plr in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
    if plr ~= murderer then
        plr.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = --spawn

local connection = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Connect(function()
    if tick() - countdown >= 10 then
        murderer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.CFrame = --spawn
        print("Time has passed")

I’m lost, I’ll just provide the whole module at this point since I am not explaining it well:

function module.StartFFGRound(length, chosenMurderer, map) -- in seconds
	local outcome

	game.ReplicatedStorage.Values.GameInProgress.Value = true
	local i = length
	if i == i - 10 then
		print("It's time")
		module.TeleportMurdererToMapFFG(chosenMurderer, map.PlayerSpawns:GetChildren())
	while i >= 0 do
		local innocents = {}
		local murderer = {}
		local murdererHere = false

		for i, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
			if player:FindFirstChild("Innocent") then
				table.insert(innocents, player)
			elseif player:FindFirstChild("Murderer") then
				murdererHere = true
				table.insert(murderer, player)

		status.Value = toMS(i)
		if not murdererHere then
			outcome = "murderer-left"
		if #innocents == 0 then
			outcome = "murderer-victory"
		if i == 0 then
			outcome = "time-up"


		i -= 1

	if outcome == "murderer-victory" then
		local winner

		for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
			if v:FindFirstChild("Murderer") then
				winner = v.Name
		status.Value = winner.." is the winner!"
	if outcome == "time-up" then
		status.Value = "Times up! No one wins!"
	if outcome == "no-one" then
		status.Value = "No one was the last standing!"


A Heartbeat connection would work very well in this situation.

local roundTime = 600
local teleportedPlayer = false

    roundTime -= dt --Reduce the delta time from the current round's time
    if roundTime <= 590 and teleportedPlayer then
        --Teleport the player here
        teleportedPlayer = true

If you want multiple “phases” within your round, my idea is to store a function to call when a specific timeframe is reached, and then mark it as the phase the round is currently in. I can go more in depth if you want.

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Still didn’t work. This situation is a lot harder than I expected it haha

If there is no way to break the wait then you could use “delay”

delay(10, function()
–Delay accepts two arguments. First is wait time and second is a function that fires after the wait

If you have to edit smth like UI, then I believe for loop is the best way.

It should be if roundTime <= 590 and not teleportedPlayer then because you want to check if you have NOT teleported the player.

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It’s not just the UI being changed, there are several things it’s looking it over. As mentioned earlier, it takes way longer to countdown for some reason using a for loop

Ok so, first off change the while loop to
for i = length, 1, -1 do

And if player is Murderer, there is a wait so that will delay the thing. So you could use
so that the code apart from the wait does not affect the loop.

If it took much longer to countdown with a for loop then you must have been doing something wrong.

Inside of the for loop, it was checking several things, that might be the issue but I prefer the while loop more

This should work. I moved the timer check into the loop, and also found a potential bug with the timing.
I also added some comments to explain things
If what you wanted was for rounds to last 600 seconds, and for the murderer to spawn when there’s 590 seconds left, this should accomplish that.

function module.StartFFGRound(length, chosenMurderer, map) -- in seconds
	local outcome

	game.ReplicatedStorage.Values.GameInProgress.Value = true
	-- this should be a for loop, not a while loop
	-- while and for loops aren't different in speed
	for i = length, 0, -1 do 
		local innocents = {}
		local murderer = {}
		local murdererHere = false
		if i == length - 10 then
			print("It's time")
			module.TeleportMurdererToMapFFG(chosenMurderer, map.PlayerSpawns:GetChildren())

		for i, player in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
			if player:FindFirstChild("Innocent") then
				table.insert(innocents, player)
			elseif player:FindFirstChild("Murderer") then
				-- potential bug? if a murderer gets found, the length of the
				-- game will slightly increase because of wait(.3)
				-- this is likely why you thought for loops were slower
				murdererHere = true
				table.insert(murderer, player)

		status.Value = toMS(i)
		if not murdererHere then
			outcome = "murderer-left"
		if #innocents == 0 then
			outcome = "murderer-victory"
		if i == 0 then
			outcome = "time-up"


	if outcome == "murderer-victory" then
		local winner

		for i, v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do
			if v:FindFirstChild("Murderer") then
				winner = v.Name
		status.Value = winner.." is the winner!"
	if outcome == "time-up" then
		status.Value = "Times up! No one wins!"
	if outcome == "no-one" then
		status.Value = "No one was the last standing!"


Overall this code definitely could be rewritten to be more event-based and easier to read, but all I’ve done here is changed it to what it looked like you wanted to do.

You should look at @jrelvas’s solution if you want to rewrite the code to be cleaner, as they’re on the right track. My solution just fixes the problem without adjusting the code for readability.

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The idea of using a Heartbeat is to ditch the loop. Heartbeat is much more precise than a loop since it always fires each frame, unlike a loop where you have to yield it using an imprecise method like wait-

All of the code that needs to be run constantly needs to be there, since this is essentially your “new loop”.

You have 3 different variables here:

local roundTime = 600 --Controls how much time the round has left
local completedStates = {} --Stores all states that were completed
local states = {} --A table that contains the different states for your round
local roundConnection = nil --Keeps track of the current connection; YOU NEED TO KEEP TRACK OF IT TO STOP IT WHEN THE ROUND IS DONE

completedStates simply makes sure that you’re not calling the same states again.

Each key in states represents a different time period, and their value is a function to be called when the current time is equal or less to that period. Why do we have to check if it’s less than? It’s simple, since the time of each frame can vary, the time period will most likely not be exactly the same as the time period you have defined.

For what you’ve asked in the OP, states would look something like this:

states = {
    [590] = function() print("I'm called when a player needs to be teleported!") end)
    [0] = function() print("I'm called when the round ends!") end)

Now, the most important part is actually setting up the loop!

function module.StartFFGRound(length, chosenMurderer, map) -- in seconds
     --Clean-up previous round data
     roundTime = 600
     completedState = {}

     roundConnection = RunService.Heartbeat:Connect(function(dt)
         roundTime -= dt
         for timePeriod, functionToCall in pairs(states) do
             if roundTime <= timePeriod and not completedStates[timePeriod] then
                 functionToCall() --Call the function needed (You can also parse any arguments if you need them in the function)
                 completedStates[timePeriod] = true --Mark this state as complete

The loop code is surprisingly not that hard. It simply reduces the delta time from the round’s time each frame, and then for every existing state, check if the state’s time period is less than or equal to the current round’s time and if it hasn’t been called before. If the check passes, then call the associated function and set the state as completed, so it can’t be called again.

Finally, you have to do the cleanup, this can be easily made with the function you assign the number “0” to, since it’ll run when the round ends.

    roundConnection:Disconnect() --Stop the code you bound to heartbeat from executing, since the round is over.
    roundConnection = nil --Let the connection be garbage collected by Lua (eliminated)

This simply stops the round code from running after it’s over.

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Using a Heartbeat loop is unnecessary here, why not use a Heartbeat wait? There’s no need to do the timer code every frame.

edit i’m not going to continue arguing about it here to avoid straying off-topic

This makes the code easier to read and to maintain, meaning it’s also easier to add new states, instead of needing to slap a wait for each single state of your round. Using a custom task scheduler has the same performance implications in this case, since the time still needs to be tracked somehow.

It’s just like adding an if statement for each similar condition. It’s not easy to read or maintainable. Why do that when you can simply have an “unchanging” main code that is easy to read and easy to add states to? This also has the advantage of being able to add and remove specific states at runtime, which could be useful for special rounds. You’re essentially just going back to the “waiting” problem, but with a more precise time measure.

TL;DR: Hardcoding your logic makes it more unreadable and harder to maintain the more conditions you want to add.

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@LexiDog5 @jrelvas I’ll test these out and see which one is best.


Yes, this was the bug, I reduced it, might as well remove the wait.

Regarding @jrelvas I’ll be looking over it and see how I’ll implement it. Thank you both!


To increase the accuracy on waiting 10 seconds, you can do this instead:

local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")

local start = os.clock()
while os.clock() - start < 10 do
    RunService.Heartbeat:Wait() -- super high accuracy, "os.clock() - start" is duration

To explain this code pattern, it’s essentially a timer(that I have been using for a module that I have been working on).

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