Detecting if player was sent from server or joined off app page

I am trying to find the best way to see where a player came from (sent from other server, or joined straight from app/website), basically to know where to spawn them/if to show the menu screen.

On the documentation I found Player:GetJoinData() that says it returns a table containing multiple fields, one of which being “JoinSource” which is an Enum.JoinSource, but the documentation for Enum.JoinSource doesn’t exactly say anything. So I was wondering if anyone has actually used this, and what the Enum.JoinSource value refers to.

Just from printing out the JoinData table, it seems there is a “source game id” that is nil when the player joins manually and isn’t there by teleportation. So for now I will rely on whether or not that exists for the player. If anyone has a better solution, I’d be glad to know.

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