I want to make a script that detects if you’re within certain boundaries, using parts as the points of the boundary.
However, I have no clue on how to go about this.
The boundary is within these points shown below:
I want to make a script that detects if you’re within certain boundaries, using parts as the points of the boundary.
However, I have no clue on how to go about this.
The boundary is within these points shown below:
While you could do some weird math to check if a player is within an arbitrary set of 3D points, why not just make a set of invisible parts, perhaps unioned, and check if the player is touching them?
Because I don’t really trust roblox’s physics too well
You don’t have to, call :GetTouchingParts() and see if a hitbox part is in the table.
I’ll try it
Just make sure to understand the weird caveat of :GetTouchingParts() in that it only reliably shows you parts that have CanCollide true. The easiest way to do this is:
hitboxUnionThing.CanCollide = true
for _,part in pairs(HumanoidRootPart:GetTouchingParts()) do
if part == hitboxUnionThing then
--bla bla bla
hitboxUnionThing.CanCollide = false
See if it works without doing the dumb CanCollide thing, but if it doesn’t show up in the table that’s how you’d fix it.
From my experience, you can leave the block CanCollide=true, and put it in a collision group which won’t collide with the character.
That makes sense and would probably work here, thanks for the tip.
Here’s some code I shared a while ago that solves this
local function PointInPolygon(Point, Polygon)
local current = Polygon
local inside = false
local A = current.Position
local ax, az = A.X, A.Z
local px, pz = Point.X, Point.Z
local B = current.Next.Position
local bx, bz = B.X, B.Z
if ((az >= pz) ~= (bz >= pz)) and ((px - ax) <= (bx - ax)*(pz - az)/(bz - az)) then
inside = not inside
current = current.Next
A, ax, az = B, bx, bz
until current == Polygon
return inside
local function CreatePolygonFromPoints(Points)
local Polygon = {Position = Points[1]}
local First = Polygon
for i = 2, #Points do
Polygon.Next = {Previous = Polygon, Position = Points[i]}
Polygon = Polygon.Next
Polygon.Next, First.Previous = First, Polygon
return First
takes a table of Vector3s and returns a “Polygon”, which is a circular doubly linked list of vertices. PointInPolygon
takes a point and a polygon and returns whether the point is inside that polygon.
I’ve been getting this error https://gyazo.com/9d32dccc4e29bf7cf50b449b3dc1b693. I don’t know why this error is happening.
Here’s the code that I’m using for it: https://pastebin.com/SLzcdTJd
Some alternative code. Points should be an array of Vector3s in order. Will only work if the area defined by the Points is convex. (Written on mobile, untested).
local function PointWithinArea(Point, Points)
local Side
for i = 1, #Points do
local Point0 = Points[i]
local Point1 = Points[i == #Points and 1 or i + 1]
local Value = (Point1 - Point0):Cross(Point - Point0).Y > 0
if Side ~= nil and Value ~= Side then
return false
Side = Value
return true
Worked without having to debug anything. Thank you very much!