Detecting new user in roblox

i’m trying to make a new player logger, i want to detect every account created in roblox. are there any way to do this?

well, if you want to detect if the user is new, i made this code:

function detect(plr)
    if plr.AccountAge <= 1 then -- Days
        print("The player ".. plr.Name .. "  Have " .. plr.AccountAge .. " Days.")

game.Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(detect) -- New player added in game
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i mean like a new user created in roblox, not a user joining my game

I don’t think it’s possible, but you could try to request things from the roblox site with httpsservice, you’d also need a proxy to do that.

That’s one of the restrictions of the httpService, unfortunately

yeah, which is why I mentioned that he would need a proxy to do it, easy way around that restriction.

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i didn’t want to use it with luau, i want to use it with javascript

Oops, I didn’t see that when replying :grin:

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