Detecting user device for topbar issue

Fisrt, you should check this out

제목 없음
PC - Distance between topbar icons : 12

Mobile - Distance between topbar icons : 4 (actually, 6)


Well, as seen above, due to the problem of different topbar icons depending on the user’s device, a different UI must be shown depending on the user’s device.

The setting button on the right is a button I created.
Check ‘UserInputDevice.TouchEnabled’ and if it’s true i change it’s position to 6 pixel

However, there may be users who use PCs with touch-capable monitors, and above all, a different UI must be shown to console users. I can’t ignore a Bluetooth keyboard and mouse connected to the console, and I can’t ignore a gamepad connected to a PC either.

Instead of checking TouchEnabled and GamepadEnabled, I need another way to check the user’s device.

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GuiService.TopbarInset might be of interest to you. It returns a rect that includes the entire topbar.

GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService")
GuiService.TopbarInset.Height -- Returns the height of the topbar
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Thank you very much! This answer was very helpful.
I even completly forgot about the GuiService.

anyway the ‘GuiService.TopbarInset’ needs ‘wait’ or ‘GetPropertyChangedSignal’ to use.

Even while studying this I discovered the ‘:IsTenFootInterface()’ function, which is the most reliable way to check if the player is on the console.

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