Detecting what int value is and setting string value

Im trying to make script which will change string value and detecting what int value is there is. no errors in output

	while wait(0.1) do
		if Values.MeltdownDebounce1 == false then		
			if Values.Temp >= 50 then
				Values.CoreStatus.Value = "Stable"
			elseif Values.Temp <= 50 then
				Values.CoreStatus.Value = "Cold"
			elseif Values.Temp >= 3750 then
				Values.CoreStatus.Value = "Unstable"
			elseif Values.Temp >= 4350 then
				Values.CoreStatus.Value = "Overheating"
			elseif Values.Temp >= 4650 then
				Values.CoreStatus.Value = "Critical"

Have you tried debugging the thing? Like putting prints to see the values?

i will try putting prints in script

i forgot putting .value in script

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tends to happen

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