Detecting Whether An Object Is Within The Boundaries Of A Rotated Cube

Hi, I am currently trying to find whether the player’s humanoid root part is within the boundaries of a cube. I tried

local entityLocation = -- player character humanoid root part position
local bulletInstance = -- cube part
local bulletLocation = bulletInstance.Position
local hitboxSize = bulletInstance.Size * 3 -- three is an arbitrary number which just closely matches the dimensions of the object

local function OutsideCubeBoundaries()
	for _, axisInstance in pairs({"x", "y", "z"}) do
		if (math.abs(entityLocation[axisInstance] - bulletLocation[axisInstance]) > hitboxSize[axisInstance]) then
			return true
if not OutsideCubeBoundaries() then
	print("in cube")

However, it doesn’t work accurately if the cube is rotated, so I am looking for a new method. How can I detect if the player is within the bounds of a rectangle rotated at, for example, 45 degrees? I’d like to not use raycasting if possible and I cannot use the Touched connection.


can you just use get touching parts and loop through all the parts and if there arent any relevant ones then you can determine it?


Hi, this would probably work the best for my needs if get touching parts worked differently, but since it uses a touch interest like the touched connection, it can be exploited by the client just by deleting it.

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I have kind of thought of a method in which I can get all of the vertices of a cube by adding or subtracting three axes of its size divided by two multiplied by the cube’s CFrame, but I am still unsure how I could use this to see whether another position is inside the boundaries of eight points.

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You can try this instead. Let me know if it works:

local entity = -- player character humanoid root part
local bullet = -- cube part

local function OutsideCubeBoundaries()
	if (table.find(workspace:GetPartsInPart(entity), bullet)) then
		return true
if not OutsideCubeBoundaries() then
	print("in cube")

If I’m not mistaken, the OutsideCubeBoundaries() function returns a boolean which depicts if the player is INSIDE the cube. You have a not operator in the if statement, this would only run if the player was OUTSIDE of the cube.

Something like this would achieve what the OP is requesting:

local function InsideCubeBoundaries(player: Player, cube: BasePart): boolean
	local Character = player.Character
	if (Character) then
		local HumanoidRootPart = Character:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
		if (HumanoidRootPart) then
			return not not table.find(workspace:GetPartsInPart(cube), HumanoidRootPart)
	return false

-- Usage: InsideCubeBoundaries(player: The player to do the check on, cube: The part in which to check if the player is inside)

Hi, the GetPartsInPart method looks like it would work very well for my situation. However, I am creating the bullet on a local script and moving its hitbox on the server. Because of this, I don’t have the part available and I would have to create and tween an invisible object made on the server just to get this to work. I did find the GetPartBoundsInBox function while looking at the documentation of GetPartsInPart which I think will work if there isn’t another way to do so using math, so @daisytheghostchild98 's response has still been helpful, thanks.

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If you’re creating a bullet system, I suggest using raycasts instead of seeing if anything is inside a part.

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unconventional bullets. Collision only works for spheres.

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Ah, I see. My bad, then stick with regular collision.


you should try one of these if I remember right they use rotation of the part


I think the GetPartBoundsInBox function will work the best and I will use that if there is no better solution. It would be a little bit more efficient to test if just one object is in a bullet rather than finding all of the objects in it and then sorting through that, so is there a formula or some way that I can use to detect if a position is inside the eight vertices of a cube, if I already have all of the positions?


check out this section on that page you can filter what is in by the same way raycast work

most ppl use raycast to determine if a player or object is in the line of the bullet and do damage by that if i am understanding what your trying to do

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Nyonic’s solution works the best. I also found some more advanced documentation on the subject which I may use if I want the hitbox to be smaller or a different shape than the bullet’s perception itself at c# - How to determine a point is inside or outside a cube? - Stack Overflow . Thanks!

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