Dev Cafe: Official Training Guide

Before the Session

Approximately 30-40 minutes before the training session begins, the host must announce the session.

Communication Server Training Template: An upcoming training session will take place at (time here) Eastern Time. All low ranks will have the opportunity to train at the Training Center and possibly achieve a promotion! Members of the middle and higher ranks are welcome to assist! Hosted by (name) and co-hosted by (name).

Group Shout Training Template: [TRAINING] A training session will be held at (time) Eastern Time! There will be opportunities for LRs to attend the training center, and MRs and HRs are encouraged to help out! Look forward to seeing you down there!

At least ten minutes before the training session starts, the host and co-host should arrive at the training. It is the host or co-host’s responsibility to name and assign trainers and trainees to groups five minutes before the training. Try to have an equal number of trainees in each group. Ensure that all your MRs or HRs have access to the guide, and if they do not, encourage them to spectate the session. In an emergency, it is okay to let an assistant trainer who does not have the guide serve as an assistant trainer, however, it is less risky for trainers to have the guide with them all of the time. PTS needs to be enabled by the host approximately 2 minutes before the session begins.


:m PTS (Permission to Speak) is in effect! Only individuals with permission may speak. If you wish to ask a question, simply say ‘PTS’ before you ask, and an MR+ will come and either approve your request or deny it.

Welcome and Regulations

Be sure that someone or you has locked the server before the host says their welcome. You can lock the server by saying :slock. Once the server has been locked, the host may begin operating.


:m Greetings to everyone attending the training session! You will find me as your host for this session, and I am (username). In a moment, I will review the rules and terms for the session.


:m Hello! I am the co-host for this session, and my username is (co-host’s username).


:m I will be discussing the rules and terms for this training session with (co-host’s username). I’d appreciate your complete attention as they discuss them.


:m We can quickly get these rules and terms out of the way if you will pay attention.


:m 1 | For this session, grammar skills are required. A maximum of three grammar strikes can be given. Exceeding that amount will lead to you failing this session.


:m 2 | Avoid arguing with your trainer. You will fail this session automatically if you argue with your trainer. Aside from that, arguing with your trainer will lead to demotion.


:m 3 | While this session is running, you must not go AFK. Otherwise, you will fail the session.


:m 4 | There will be no tolerance for disrespect. You will be demoted if you disobey your trainer during the session.


:m 5 | You have a limited amount of time to return if you disconnect or crash during the session. Please inform us on the community server or the group wall if this occurs.


:m 6 | The training will consist of three sections: greeting, trivia, and ordering test.


:m 7 | As you move up the ranks, your expectations will change. It will become more challenging as you move up the ranks.


:m I will now turn everything over to the host so that he/she may implement the rest. Thank you for listening to the rules and terms.


:m The trainers and helpers may move to their respective groups and wait for the trainees.


:m It looks like everything went well! All trainees should go to their respective group’s register.

Session Sections


The training session has begun! Welcome trainees! My name is (username), and I will be your trainer today.

Assistant Trainer:

Greetings, everyone! You will have my assistance today, I am (username).


Would anyone like to ask a question before we move forward with the training? If you are not AFK, please reply immediately.


That’s it. We don’t have any more time to waste. Let’s get started!



I’m excited to introduce you to the trivia portion of your training! Three questions will be sent to each of you in private messages.


Each of the questions will have a time limit of one minute. You will automatically receive an incorrect answer if you do not meet the time requirement.


Your questions will be corrected in private messages if you get them wrong.


Would you like to ask a question before we begin?

After all questions are answered, the assistant trainer will begin the trivia.

Assistant Trainer:

The private message has been sent. If it has not reached you, please let me know.

Questions to choose within:

  • How many warnings do you give a troller?
    (correct answer: 3)

  • What do you do if you encounter an exploiter in any of our facilities?
    (correct answer: contact an mr/hr with proof)

  • Who owns Dev Cafe?
    (correct answer: Nx_ev)

  • How do you make a (food/drink item)?
    ((e.g. How do you make a cookie?))
    (correct answer: ((see if the answer is correct)))

  • Do we serve (food/drink item)?
    ((e.g. Do we serve bubble tea?))
    (correct answer: ((check if we serve it!)))

Trainer assistants will award everyone a point for every question they answer correctly after everyone has answered three questions only. A point may be awarded within a range of 0 to 3 since there are three questions.

Ordering Test


The ordering tests will be the subject of the next section.


The total number of orders each of you must complete is three. These orders will gradually become more challenging.


Wait until your trainer instructs you to hand the item, or items, as this will help keep the training more organized.


Before we give you your orders to complete, do you have any questions?

Each trainee will be given 3 unique and specific orders to complete after all questions have been answered.

Orders for trainees:

  • Order 1: One item
  • Order 2: Two items
  • Order 3: Three items

It is important to note - Any trainee who fails to complete all three orders is automatically dropped from the session. This is due to a lack of experience in the kitchen.

For the points again. Give the trainee 1 point if they get one order right, 2 points if they get two, and 3 points if they get three.



Your team did an excellent job! We are now on the disruption phase of your training.


The skill of dealing with difficult customers will be taught to you by us.


Our policy is to give trolls only three warnings. If they have violated the warnings three times, contact an MR/HR.


Also, please keep in mind that major spammers, customers dressed inappropriately, bypassers, and exploiters will not receive warnings. In such cases, please contact management.


Before we start the disruption simulation, do you have any questions?


We will begin the simulation as soon as we walk up to you. You should greet us as if we are regular customers whenever we walk into your establishment.

You should award your trainee with a point if after the simulations they followed the correct procedure and gave out three warnings if you trolled, or contacted someone immediately if you were exploiting, wearing inappropriate attire, or spamming heavily. You will not award a point to your trainee if he or she required assistance and struggled during a section.


If the trainee passed: Congratulations! This training session was a success for you. Your promoter will rank you shortly.

If the trainee failed: Unfortunately, you did not meet the amount of points required to pass this session. Do not be discouraged, as you can always try again next session.


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