Dev forum broken

I keep trying to post a topic in forum but it’s not letting me post and now I have 5 pending request.I don’t get why don’t let me post I’m just trying to post somthing for a project I need help with it’s getting kinda annoying and I’m so stressed can someone please tell me what I’m doing wrong

I am going to go ahead and assume you were posting in #bulletin-board or in a subcategory of #collaboration.

If your post is pending then this likely means your post had a Discord link in it and the forum filter caught it. If the filter catches your post it gets sent to DevEngagementTeam for approval. Message then about your post instead.


Oh ok… so if I’m trying to communicate with other devs what should I do if I don’t use discord

You can use Discord, you just can’t link server invites.

Ok thank you so much this really helped

Not the OP, but why do Discord links get sent to the DET for approval instead of just straight not accepting the post, as Discord links are not allowed at all?

I haven’t posted a Discord link in a public category, however logged-out users (including <13 users) can see:

Help and Feedback
Platform Feedback
Bulletin Board

and Roblox can’t risk exposing a <13 to a Discord link.

This doesn’t answer my question at all. I know that Discord is intended for 13+ and I see why does Roblox not allow it. But I am asking why are they reviewed by staff instead of just not letting the post including a Discord link be posted.

It does, you just didn’t read the reply thoroughly

Like it seems to be allowed depending on context in private categories.

I still do not get you. If a staff member reviews a caught Discord link, in what cases would that be approved?

Ask dev engagement team not me ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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